The Therapy Room Offers…

For many of us the therapy room is a mysterious place. People who go in, almost certainly, come out slightly altered from when they stepped into the room; and like children outside a locked door we wonder, probably with curiosity, apprehension or fear, what happens in there.

This article hopes to demystify the therapy room.

It is a Playground for your emotions. Imagine your suppressed or pent up emotions are a class full of energetic first graders who require a field to move and play. Your emotions are allowed to run free here, in this playground, playing tag, climbing monkey bars or just sitting peacefully in the open. They’re allowed to run, kick, jump, scream, and to find a place where they are allowed to be.

A Carved Space with safety, privacy and curiosity which are created in collaboration between you and your therapist based on your needs. This space allows for open expression, communication and reflection.

A Witness and Ally. The therapy room is equipped with a therapist who has your best interest at all times. They are there to support and be with you in times of distress, witness and bring understanding to your journey as you acknowledge and come to terms with your reality and periodically steer your attention to your blind spots, growth and victories.

These are the universal givens of the therapy room. The therapeutic experience is determined by what you and your therapist each bring to the therapeutic relationship, and create together. This is where the healing and magic lie.